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Our Working Principles

  • Treating honestly to government, customer, ‘shareholder’, personnel, partner, subsidiary industry in all our actions,
  • Protecting nature and in-company social balance in all our actions,
  • Soft sell and fulfill customer demands before all else,
  • Always prioritizing quality, trying to give the customer better even he is contented and pleased with the given,
  • Under these conditions, realizing the profit the shareholders deserve,
  • Applying autonomous management, centralized control principles, degrading autonomy to the individual. Rather than instructions from senior, applying decisions from below and confirmation from above,
  • Motivating all personnel in accordance with two or one sided certain formulas,
  • Educating all the personnel every year according to their condition and position for specific periods to ensure they assimilate modern technology,
  • Making all personnel feel that they are working for themselves and turn some into free enterprise to convert into working exclusively for the corporate,
  • Placing emphasis to team work, sharing profit, loss, success and failure as an institutionalized corporate or in other words a corporate associated its activities with system and procedures.

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